Windows Update error 0x80070103

If you receive Windows Update error 80070103 while installing updates, you might be trying to install a driver that's already installed or a driver that might be less compatible than one you already have installed on your PC. To address the problem or search for more info, try these options:

  • Search the forums or ask a question on the Microsoft Community website.

  • Hide the update so it's not offered again.

    To hide an update

    1. Tap or click to open Control Panel.

    2. Tap or click System and Security, and then tap or click Windows Update.

    3. Do one of the following:

      • If you have important updates you want to hide, click the link that tells you important updates are available.

      • If you have any optional updates you want to hide, click the link that tells you optional updates are available.

    4. Select any update that you want to hide, press and hold or right-click it, and then tap or click Hide update.

Error codes this applies to:

  • WindowsUpdate_80070103

  • 0x80070103

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